Access Control List

An Access Control List (ACL) is a security mechanism for managing permissions for accessing resources within an application.

An ACL is a list of permissions attached to an object, specifying which users or roles are granted access and what actions are allowed on those objects.

Roles are predefined sets of permissions that are assigned to users based on their job functions or responsibilities within an organization. A user can be assigned only one role.

Instead of assigning permissions directly to individual users, permissions are assigned to roles, and then users are assigned to those roles. This makes managing permissions more efficient and scalable, especially in large organizations where users may have similar access requirements based on their roles.

Each resource in the application has two attributes: owner and access, which indicate the action the user can take. The owner attribute accepts an ACL and users within the ACL can edit objects, while users on the access attribute can only view and perform limited actions.

Owner and Access Control

The app seamlessly ensures information security by integrating Owner and Access Control List (ACL) mechanisms. Although identical logic is used across the app, these systems can be modified as needed.

Typically, owners who frequently create items or transactions possess exclusive rights to edit and delete information associated with their creations. The ownership status can be altered by updating the owner attribute accordingly.

Admin users, on the other hand, hold universal ownership privileges, which grant them the authority to modify and remove any data within the system, regardless of ownership status.

The Access Control List serves as an additional layer of security, allowing for the restriction of information access. This mechanism enables administrators to define specific access permissions for various users or roles, safeguarding sensitive data.

The Access Control Lists (ACL) feature enables administrators to tailor access permissions for different users, roles, or branches to specific items within the system.

By utilizing Access Control Lists, administrators can effectively manage access permissions across the app. This allows for tailored access to information based on user roles, organizational structure, or other criteria, thus enhancing overall data security and governance.