Asset Types

Asset Type refers to the categorization or classification of assets based on their characteristics, functionality, and use within an organization. This classification aids in the efficient organization, management, and tracking of assets, ensuring optimal utilization and effective resource management. Asset types can be physical (tangible) or non-physical (intangible) and encompass various categories such as equipment, vehicles, buildings, software, and more.

We provide the following asset types:


Inventory item records enable you to track both the quantity and value of your inventory, ensuring accurate inventory management and valuation.


Asset records allow you to monitor the status, purchase date, and value of your resources, providing comprehensive oversight of your organization's assets.

Asset Group

An asset group is a collection of assets categorized together based on similar characteristics or functions, facilitating simplified management and analysis.


A service item is created to track time and record billable hours, ensuring accurate billing and time management for service-related activities.