
Create and administer invoices easily. Before starting, make sure that you set branch defaults, which include payment method, payment term, auto numbering, and taxes. Customer billing or primary address and contact are defaulted on the invoice during creation.


When you create a new invoice, it will be saved as a draft and assigned a draft number. You can work on it and make changes until you are ready to release it. Once you release it, the invoice status will be set as Outstanding and a final invoice number will be assigned.

This number cannot be changed later. If you receive full payment for an invoice, it will be automatically marked as Paid. If you need to cancel or write-off any outstanding invoices, you can do so as well.


Quickly search and select multiple items. Item information (price, cost, name, and others) is copied to the invoice, so it persists even if you change item information later.


Taxes are defaulted from company settings, if any. But you can add or remove taxes as needed during the edit.


Once the invoice is released, you can add a payment to it by simply tapping on the "Add Payment" button. If the invoice is paid in full, the status will be updated to "Paid". However, if the payment made is only partial, the status will be marked as "Partial".


Tap on the print icon on the toolbar to print the current invoice.


Workers can only create and manage their own invoices. Managers have access to invoices created by their assigned workers, while administrators can access all invoices.