Print Sheets

Adding a new sheet and selecting a template is an easy way to simplify the label printing process. The template includes page size, label distribution, and design information, streamlining the workflow.

To add a new sheet, select a predefined template from the available options you created earlier. These templates are designed to simplify the label creation process by providing a framework for layout and design. They include page size, label distribution, and label design information.

Once you have selected a template, you can add labels to the sheet based on the layout provided. Depending on the layout type, you can link items or addresses or directly input information into the sheet.

For layouts that support linking items and addresses, you can associate labels with item or address information stored within the app. This allows for the automatic populating of label fields with relevant data. Items need at least one barcode attribute, such as EAN/UPC, SKU, or serial number, to create a barcode.

Alternatively, you can manually input information into the sheet to populate label fields for the rest of the template type.

Once labels are added to the sheet and information is populated, you can generate them based on the design from the template. This process ensures consistency in label layout and design across the entire sheet.

Before printing, you can review the sheet to ensure all labels are correctly populated and aligned. You can also preview how the printed sheet will look so you can make the necessary adjustments. Then, you can print the sheet with labels on your printer. Make sure you use 100% zoom to avoid offset issues.