Push Notifications

Push notifications offer a fast and efficient method for receiving alerts directly on your device. You can activate push notifications for individual user devices within the user profile. This feature enables you to approve new devices or receive various transaction alerts.

New Device Access

Receive a notification whenever a new device accesses the system, empowering you to monitor account access in real-time and stay informed about any unauthorized device usage.
Additionally, you will always receive an email notification for new device access.

Device Authorization

Receive a notification when a new device is pending authorization. Tapping on the notification will redirect you to the 'Approve Device' view. You can define the conditions for device approval in the security section of the company account settings.
Additionally, you will always receive an email notification for new devices pending authorization, with a button to approve directly from the email.

Expense Pending Approval

Receive a notification when a new expense is submitted for your approval.
When you receive a notification for a new expense submitted for approval, it means that someone within the organization has requested permission to spend money on behalf of the company. This notification alerts you to review and approve or reject the expense, ensuring that all spending aligns with the company's policies and budgetary constraints.

Ticket Assigned

Receive a notification when a new ticket is assigned to you.

When you receive a notification that a ticket has been assigned to you, it means that someone has specifically designated you as responsible for addressing or resolving a certain issue or task. This notification alerts you to take action on the ticket, whether it involves providing assistance, answering a query, or resolving an issue.

Ticket Completed

Receive a notification when a ticket has been completed and you are the owner.
When you receive a notification that a ticket has been completed for someone else, but you are the owner of it, it means that a task or issue you were responsible for has been resolved by another party. This notification ensures that you are informed about the status of the ticket, even though you did not directly complete

Safety Stock Reached

Receive a notification when items that you own reach the minimum safety stock threshold.

Timesheet Pending Approval

Receive a notification when a new time entry is submitted for your approval.

Work Order Assignment

Receive a notification when someone assigns a work order to you.

Work Order Completed

Receive a notification when someone completes a work order for which you are the owner.