
A timesheet is a document used to track and record the amount of time employees spend on various tasks, projects, or activities during a specified period, typically daily or weekly.

Timesheets serve several purposes, including:

Time Tracking: A timesheet's primary purpose is to track how much time employees spend on different tasks or projects. It allows employers to monitor how time is being allocated across various activities within the organization.

Project Management: Timesheets are crucial in project management by tracking the time spent on specific projects or tasks. This information helps project managers monitor progress, track project expenses, and ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.

Billing and Invoicing: For organizations that bill clients based on hourly rates or time spent on specific tasks, timesheets serve as a basis for accurate billing and invoicing. Timesheets provide documentation of the work performed, allowing organizations to bill clients accurately for the services rendered.
Compliance and Labor Laws: Timesheets may also be used for compliance purposes, ensuring that employees are working within legal limits and adhering to labor laws regarding working hours, overtime, and breaks.
Timesheets typically include the following information:

Employee Name: The name of the employee submitting the timesheet.
Date: The dates for the reporting period are covered by the timesheet.
Task/Project: A description of the task or project worked on during the specified time period.
Hours Worked: The hours spent on each task or project, broken down by day or week.
Total Hours: The total hours the employee works during the reporting period.
Client/Project Code: If applicable, the code or identifier for the client or project being worked on.
Supervisor Approval: Space for supervisor or manager approval of the timesheet.

Timesheets may be completed manually using paper forms or electronically through specialized time-tracking software or systems. Electronic timesheets offer advantages such as automated calculations, real-time tracking, and easier reporting and analysis.