
When adding new users to the system, you can choose to assign them a role, with the default role being Manager. The role assigned determines the level of access privileges the user has. Additionally, the location chosen configures authorization, allowing users to perform location-specific actions smoothly.

To invite new users to join the system, use the "Send Invite" feature, which sends an email invitation to the email address associated with the user account.

If a user no longer needs access to the system, you can choose to deactivate their account by using the "Inactivate" option within their user profile. Please note that users cannot be removed altogether; they must be inactivated, and their associated devices can then be deleted.


The app has role-based permissions to ensure users can access only the functionalities required for their responsibilities. It helps maintain a balance between functionality, security, and data integrity.

The different access levels and their corresponding responsibilities are as follows:
- Worker: Can create primary transactions with some restrictions.
- Advanced Worker: Can create primary transactions and manage some master data.
- Manager: Can create primary transactions, manage all master data, and administer subordinate users.
- Administrator: Can create primary transactions, manage all master data and general settings, and administer users. - Viewer: Can view primary transactions when granted permission.