
Locations are enabled when you select multiple locations. If multiple locations are disabled, the location attribute is hidden everywhere, making it easier for businesses that do not need to manage locations.

Set the default unit of measure used during item creation.

Out-of-stock rules determine how the system handles situations where items are unavailable in sufficient quantities.

— Stop: The system prevents the stock from being adjusted if any items are out of stock, requiring the user to resolve the issue before proceeding with the transaction.
— Continue: The system allows stock adjustment even if some items are out of stock. This may trigger back ordering or other actions to fulfill the order later.
— Negative: The system allows stock adjustment but records a negative stock adjustment for any out-of-stock items. It indicates that the items were adjusted despite not being available in inventory.

Enabling transfers allows you to move an item from one location to another and automatically adjust the stock in each location by reducing the number of items in the source location and increasing it in the target location accordingly.