Настройка и поддержка iCloud

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Распространенные проблемы с iCloud

Changes sync between devices slowly.
Data appear on one device but not another.

We do not support iCloud issues due to limited visibility
We've found that the following steps address most iCloud sync issues, make sure you have a backup before start.

1. Одна и та же учетная запись iCloud на всех устройствах.

Ensure that you're using the same iCloud account on all devices.
Go to Settings > iCloud and verify that the email displayed is the same on all of your devices.

2. Убедитесь, что iCloud может использовать сотовые данные

If your iPhone isn't connected to the Internet through Wifi, see if iCloud Drive has permission to use cellular data.
iOS 10.2 and earlier: Go to Settings > iCloud > iCloud Drive, scroll to the bottom of the screen, and see if the toggle next to "Use Cellular Data" is enabled.
iOS 10.3 and later: Go to Settings > Cellular, scroll to the bottom of the screen, and see if the toggle next to "iCloud Drive" is enabled.

3. Убедитесь, что в вашей учетной записи iCloud есть место для хранения

If your iCloud account is low on storage space, iCloud may have trouble making all of your data accessible. In that case, increasing your available storage space may resolve the issue.
You can check how much storage space is available in your iCloud account like so: go to Settings > iCloud and check the value listed on the Storage button.

4. Убедитесь, что на ваших устройствах недостаточно места для хранения.

If your device is low on storage space, iCloud may not be able to make your notes accessible while you are not connected to the internet. In that case, freeing up storage space on your iPad may resolve the issue.
You can check how much storage space is available on your devices like so:
go to Settings > General > Storage & iCloud Usage.

5. Убедитесь, что батарея ваших устройств не разряжена

Чтобы продлить срок службы батареи, режим низкого энергопотребления отключает синхронизацию iCloud на устройстве. Если батарея устройства разряжена, заряжайте его до тех пор, пока оно не выйдет из режима низкого энергопотребления.

6. Перезагрузите устройства.

Restarting your devices often addresses iCloud sync issues.

7. Выключите/включите iCloud в приложении.

Перейдите в раздел «Приложение» > «Настройки» > «Дополнительно». Выключите iCloud, выключите iCloud в приложении, выйдите из приложения, перезагрузите устройство и снова включите iCloud.

8. Выключите/включите iCloud Drive

Turn off/on iCloud Drive on all devices that are using the app, then turn it on again. Only try this option if the ideas above have not helped, we are not responsible for data lost.

9. Обратитесь в Apple.

If the steps below are unsuccessful, please reach out to Apple for additional help, as we have extremely limited visibility into iCloud.
You can contact iCloud's support team via this website: