


In the normal course of using the Starkode Service, Customers will input electronic data into the Starkode systems (“Customer Data”). The use of information collected through our service shall be limited to the purpose of providing the service for which the Customer has engaged Starkode. Starkode may access Customer Data for the purposes of providing the Service, preventing or addressing service or technical problems, responding to support issues, responding to Customer’s instructions or as may be required by law, in accordance with the relevant agreement between Customer and Starkode. Starkode processes Customer Data under the direction of its Customers, and has no direct control or ownership of the personal data it processes. Customers are responsible for complying with any regulations or laws that require providing notice, disclosure and/or obtaining consent prior to transferring the data to Starkode for processing purposes. An individual who seeks access, or who seeks to correct, amend, or delete inaccurate data, should direct his or her query to the Starkode Customer. If the Customer requests Starkode to remove the personal data to comply with data protection regulations, Starkode will respond to their request within 30 business days. Starkode will refer any request for disclosure of personal data by a law enforcement authority to the Customer. Starkode may, where it concludes that it is legally obligated to do so, disclose personal data to law enforcement or other government authorities. Starkode will notify Customer of such request unless prohibited by law.




Starkode 根据与客户签订的相关协议中规定的时间范围保留客户数据。


客户数据(包括个人数据)的安全性对Starkode非常重要。Starkode 维护一项全面的书面信息安全计划,其中包含旨在防止未经授权访问客户数据的行业标准、管理、技术和物理保护措施。Starkode 设计其应用程序,以允许客户实现差异化配置、强制执行用户访问控制并管理可逐个设备填充和/或可访问的数据类别。正确配置这些设置是客户的责任。有关安全设置和配置的更多信息可以在提供给客户的 Starkode 文档中找到。


我们保留随时更改或更新本隐私政策的权利。对隐私政策的更改将在本网站上发布,隐私政策的链接将表明该政策已更改或更新。我们鼓励您定期查看本隐私政策以了解是否有任何更改。对于新客户,更改或更新自发布之日起生效。对于现有客户,变更或更新在发布后 30 天内生效。